About LLAG
A different type of blog post. A rant. https://www.facebook.com/joshualunacreations/posts/875466382609649 I saw this online. A friend had shared it with a comment that she doesn't support LLAG or NextShark. We are both Asian Americans. I realized how much I agreed with that thought. I was debating it for awhile but wasn't sure if in the end I unfollowed the page. Turns out I did. I return to her post, and I was about to comment this: For a while, I was supportive of the page (LLAG). Maybe naive and curious about it, as it was an active page promoting the "Asian American voice". But as time went by, I was like, this isn't how I view America should be. This isn't how I view the world, this isn't how we, Asian Americans, should be seen as. I felt like maybe it was just some occasional radical thoughts, maybe to garner more views or whatever. So a few weeks went by, and this type of speech continued, which is just too much. I felt like he was hating on white...