More Delay on Updates
Hey guys, I might have to postpone/put on hiatus Yume Connection. Some of you may know, but I am currently one of the convention artists for CPAC, a college-run anime convention. This year I signed up for additional roles under publicity because I wanted to do more. But then, I found out ... the chair for publicity resigned. This means they are having emergency elections for a replacement. Because I don't want the possible replacement candidate to run the publicity position, in addition to having many stances on how publicity should be run, instead of just left to "Con Things" (UGH. I hate that phrase.), I think I might run. But this role would be a huge responsibility. If not done right, we may destroy future chances of running the convention. Plus, I'm an engineering student so my workload is heavier than the rest of the convention chairs already. (19 credits compared to 15 of other majors here) I think I'm not going to be able to even try to finish Webtoo...