
Showing posts from March, 2018

Life is Fragile

In the midst of recent tragedies, it makes one realize how fragile life really is. My friend started asking again about my mental well being, being that I am a INFP—introverted feeling—it is really difficult to explain my feelings. A couple of thoughts jumbled into my head at once. But it all had to do with a realization that “you only live once”is really a thing. Nothing really came out, but I think I have to write down my feelings a bit before I can say I’m done for the day. Every time news of another’s death appeared in my inbox, I am frightened to know how it came to be. I call my mom and tell her, and she’s like “so what?” Her nonchalant response may have been due to many years in the medical industry, but I think those deaths subconsciously affected me. A little perspective on what I’m about to say: I’ve been arguing with my parents over commuting to and from college. I’m slowly becoming afraid of the monster I’ve become. Depression was never real to me until I ent...